GPS: 39.132675, -79.473774
Visit Day and Time: April 6, 2018
Temperature at visit: 50-65 degrees (mild but warm enough to enjoy it)
Crowd level: None
- Very unique park
- New park
- Nice seating
- Multiple levels of climbing from little kids to adults
- If you have a hard time letting your kids climb and fall it might be a stressful park for you
- If your child climbs up and panics might be hard to get them back down
Trash Info
- No trash around
- Trash Cans available
Shade Info
- There are a few trees around so probably some shade for the benches but the climbing rock are out in the full sun.
Adult Seating
- Several nice metal benches available
- Bleachers are near by at the baseball feild
- None
- None
- Handicap Parking very close
- Pathways are only gravel and might be harder to navigate
- There is a donation box onsite to collect funds for Rock #3 so be sure to take some cash with you if you get to enjoy this park or better yet donate online via their website.
Broken equipment
- None
Rock #1 basic climber |
Rock #2 Complex Climber |
Climbing Park 2 Rocks with room for one more |
Benches and Trash |
Parking is pretty close |
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