I just wanted to talk Disney today, so here is a list of general tips:
- Use the package delivery if staying onsite (it takes 24 hours to get back to your room so schedule your shopping accordingly)
- Use photopass or take plenty of pictures
- Take a nap in the afternoon (or go to the pool)
- Be at a park at rope drop (early in your trip so you realize how great it is)
- Use the Disney Transport System (try the boats as well, study the routes before you get there)
- Have at least one character meal no matter how old you are
- Accept the fact that you wont be able to do everything
- Enjoy the things you can do
- Ask for towel specific animals from housekeeping (its fun)
- Use all your meal and snack credits (you paid for them even if you just get nonperishable stuff from the food court)
- Be creative with snack credits (sometimes you can trade meal credits for 3 snack credits)
- Pin Trade (get pins from ebay or amazon)
- Penny Press Hunt
- Try rides you have never been on before
- Enjoy the scenery
- Take time to slow down (it is your vacation isn't it)
- Coordinate Clothing it makes for better pictures
- Don't be afraid to ask about discounts when booking your trip
So, just some random thoughts of the day.